Photo with BiKidude Stawa University Seminar Entebbe Botanical Gardens Mount Elgon, Uganda Making Mandazi

Media Engagement

Read about The Idea of Development in Africa in this UC Davis Books Blog, "Where Development Goes Wrong in Africa," February, 8 2021.

History News Network included our Washington Post Op-Ed in its Roundup Top Ten for January 29, 2021! See the full list here.

See my Washington Post “Made by History” perspective article here titled "What Americans across the political spectrum got wrong about the attempted insurrection: The idea of American greatness is rooted in a global history of anti-Black racism,” co-authored with Elisabeth McMahon, January 21, 2021.

Listen here to Elisabeth McMahon and me talking about our book, The Idea of Development in Africa, with New Books Network host, Elisa Prosperetti.

Click here to listen to my chat with Roman Spinale and Aaron Liss for UC Davis’ KDVS (90.3FM) show “In the Meantime” from 2018.

Check out my conversation with Professor Kyu Hyun Kim (UC Davis) about the film Black Panther for his blog, “Q Branch Mirror Site,” also from 2018.

My work with Stawa University

In the summers of 2017 and 2019 I helped organize and run workshops on gender, oral tradition and oral history at Stawa University in Kampala, Uganda. In August 2017, I gave the keynote talk for the Child Marriage Conference hosted by Stawa.

Cataloguing Memorabilia at Uganda’s Oldest Girls’ Secondary School

In August 2019, my student Ezra Evans and I helped to organize, catalogue, and digitize memorabilia and archival materials for Gayaza High School in Kampala, Uganda.

Contact Me

Reach me via email here.

UC Davis History Department

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